Ames d.o.o.
AMES is an associated member of the Ljubljana Technology Park (former technology park of the Jožef Stefan Institute). Until 1993, the group that now forms AMES was a laboratory and later a department of the Jožef Stefan Institute. The original mission of the laboratory was to give engineering support to nuclear physics with their experiments. Later, the group focused more on applications; for more than 15 years it had produced sensors, probes, measuring stations and measuring networks for the environment. In September 1992, the department transformed into an independent company AMES d.o.o.
AMES produces meteorological sensors (digital wind sensors, ombrometers, temperature sensors), instruments (several types of anemometers), microprocessor controlled measuring stations and complex computerized environmental monitoring networks. AMES also develops and produces radiological measuring probes, instruments and early warning systems. There are currently over a hundred automatic measuring stations operating in Slovenia and abroad, as well as 5 airport meteorological systems and a number of environmental measuring networks.
The company produces measuring systems tailored to the customers requirements. Among them are environmental monitoring networks for nuclear and thermal power stations, airport meteorological systems, radiological early warning networks, landfill meteo systems, environmental monitoring for urban areas, hydrological networks, synoptic and climatological stations. Software solutions, together with the hardware design, ensure the long term data retrieval efficiency of more than 95%, as determined from the survey of the existing monitoring networks.
Lately, AMES is working on atmospheric pollution modeling and development of interactive data transfer and display techniques with online connectivity.
AMES cooperates with Jožef Stefan Institute and several other institutions and companies in Slovenia and abroad. It is registered as a research organization and is authorized to produce feasibility studies on the atmospheric and radiological pollution.
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"We have found the products and services provided by AMES to be of the highest quality and have never been disappointed in their After Sales Service."
Ralph F. Petragnani
Vice President, Sales & Marketing
Belfort Instrument Company
Baltimore, Maryland, USA