AMES d.o.o.
Enviromental measuring systems
Meteo data
Shown data is from the AMES AMS 156 demonstration station in Brezovica near Ljubljana.
The arrows on the graph show direction of the wind.
Current data

Air temperature:

Relative humidity:

Atmospheric pressure:

Global solar radiation:

Precipitation in last 5 minutes:

Dose rate:

Wind speed and direction:

30 minute data

Air temperature:

Relative humidity:

Atmospheric pressure:

Global solar radiation:

Precipitation in last 30 minutes:

Wind speed and direction in last 30 minutes:

Graph for Last 24 Hours
Graph below shows hourly average values for the last 24 hours.
Color curves of the parameters are the same color as the above titles of their numerical values.
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"We have found the products and services provided by AMES to be of the highest quality and have never been disappointed in their After Sales Service."
Ralph F. Petragnani
Vice President, Sales & Marketing
Belfort Instrument Company
Baltimore, Maryland, USA